Through our CSA, we strive not only to promote the consumption of fresh, healthy produce, but also to educate the community about the intricacies of agriculture.  

  The life of a farmer is one of uncertainty. With so many factors affecting the growth of beautiful, healthy produce, you can never be quite sure what the future will hold. However this reality has been lost amidst our globally connected world, and as we transport food from millions of miles away to grace our tables, we have been deceived by the constant availability of unblemished, perfectly ripened varieties food. In order to deconstruct this myth of availability, we invite our CSA members to accept whatever our soil so generously provides us with.

  Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a way to connect local farmers with community members, in a symbiotic relationship. While members' subscription dues aid the cost of food production for one season, farmers provide fresh produce on a weekly basis. Through this system, farmers are paid  up front, while the members continually receive baskets of food over the course of one growing season. CSAs not only foster relationships between farmers and members, but also between consumers and the earth.

  By purchasing a share or our CSA for one season, you can pledge to join us for at least 10 weeks of fresh produce grown and ripened according to the land's natural rhythm. What is ready is what you'll get! Although we offer no guarantees, we do our best to keep our members exceptionally satisfied, and love to share with them the joy of growing delicious food.